Look at You Getting an Apartment and Shit Soy Wax Candle
Look at You Getting an Apartment and Shit Soy Wax Candle
Our Currently Reading scented candle is a unique blend of starting a brand new book, tucking in to a warm blanket and lighting this candle. Do no disturb, I'm currently reading. Read more
The perfect candle for anyone who just got their own apartment! What better way to tell them you are proud of them than this candle! This candle is hand-poured and non-toxic, plus it comes in over 15 scents so there is sure to be a perfect scent for everyone.
Not sure what scent to choose? Check out our detailed descriptions of all our scents. https://etsy.me/3no4pzf
This candles is available in two sizes:
Standard sized 8 oz jar with a burn time of approximately 35+ hours, perfect for bathrooms, dressers, countertops, nightstands or;
Large sized 16 oz jar with a burn time of approximately 55+ hours perfect for larger spaces like kitchens, family rooms or entryways.